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Previous message: [speex-dev] speex or ilbc?- The following message: [speex-dev] speex or ilbc? - Messages are sorted by: [ date ] [ subject ] [ subject ] [ author ]

Not so long ago i promised in order to make a small example of how to issue directsound and speex. The original idea was to use only the audio parts of my videoconferencing program, and as it turned out, a high-quality voice chat program causes a lot of attention in this community. Considering the above, i turned education into a website-a program that is extremely open and feasible from http://sourceforge.Net/projects/mumble/ despite the fact that administrative functions are somewhat insufficient for him, the material exists remarkably well and is distinguished by excellent voice transmission quality. We remind you that the code is licensed under the bsd license, so you can use tea to your taste if you provide the details. After i tone up the licensing for asio, i will also check this, which causes proper synchronous sampling from various news sources in win32, including sampling the "speaker output" when sampling the microphone. The license is a bit legal, i'll probably have to email the company and ask politely :) - previous message: [speex-dev] speex or ilbc? - The following message: [speex-dev] speex or ilbc?